Open Division Exhibits

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Open Division Exhibits

As the Northern Wisconsin State Fair is a regional fair, Open Division exhibitors can reside in any state, county or be of any age. Competitive exhibits are the foundation of county and state fairs and there is sure to be an area you can find that interests you to showcase your talents, skills, and antiques.

Are you interested in volunteering within the Open Division Exhibits at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair? Contact Cindy Boggess, Junior & Open Fair Manager at 715.723.2861 ext. 105 or

If you have questions about exhibiting, contact Dawn Totzke, Exhibit Manager, at

Important Dates:
June 21 - Open Exhibit Registration Closes
Important - Review NWSF Department Schedules to see when exhibits need to be at the Fairgrounds
July 15 - Exhibit Pick Up

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