NWSF Emergency Procedures

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NWSF Emergency Procedures

NWSF Staff Emergency Action Plan


Note: EMT Services & Police are located next to the Flagpole during the Fair.

DO NOT post on any Social Media(s) of incidents. This must be done by EMS/Police/Administration

Major Accident (Vehicle or Anyone): Emergency/serious injury dial 911 and clearly describe what the incident is, where, and answer any questions. Next

Action 1: Via Two-Way Radios Contact Rusty Volk or Joe Seckora or Kenny Briggs.

Action 2: Contact Main Office Debbie Baier (715.723.2861 ext. 101) We need an incident report.

Action 3: Stay calm, keep the public away from the scene and make room for emergency personnel.

Minor incident: Contact Main Office Debbie Baier (715.723.2861 ext. 101) or direct injured person(s) to First Aid Station or the Main Office. Incident report must be completed.

Lost or Missing Child/Person:

Escort person to Main Office, EMS/Sherriff Building, or Rural Superintendents Office (Custer Coliseum).

Action 1: Via Two-Way Radios Contact Rusty Volk or Joe Seckora or Kenny Briggs.

Action 2: Console and gain confidence with the individual, offer water etc. Write down name, age, gender, where do you live, who did you come with and their names, describe clothes, any other characteristics. If possible, take a picture of the child or get a picture of the missing child from parent(s) (this is to distribute for searching).

Action 3: Contact Carnival (Rusty Will Contact) to alert carnival/midway staff of missing person.

Action 4: Activate mass text message alerting NWSF staff of missing/lost child/person.

Action 5: Make P/A announcements to the public to assist in locating child/person. (Main & Rural)

Weapons Hold Up: (Gates or any ticket booth) Try to stay calm and give them the money and don’t ask questions. When clear Dial 911 provide details of what you witnessed.

Action 1: Via Two-Way Radios Contact Rusty Volk or Joe Seckora or Kenny Briggs. Let us know if you contacted 911.

Action 2: Contact Main Office to inform Debbie of the incident (715.723.2861 ext. 101).

Visible or Concealed Weapon/Gun: (Gates or ticket booths) Do not confront! However, make note of weapon, description, time of day.

Action 1: Via Two-Way Radios Contact Rusty Volk or Joe Seckora or Kenny Briggs.

Active Shooter:

Run, run, run, and hide in a safe location/distance. If you cannot run & hide, fight with all your might. If possible and safe, contact Main Office (715.723.2861 ext. 101) to confirm you are OK. Contact your Family to confirm you are OK. Note Cell towers may not be able to handle all cell calls. DO NOT POST on any social media (Let Rusty & Police take care of all MEDIA).

Drunks/Disputes: Do not engage and get someone else to confront.

Action 1: Via Two-Way Radios Contact Rusty Volk or Joe Seckora or Kenny Briggs.

Action 2: Incident report in Main Office with Debbie Baier.

Weather Conditions:

Heat Observation: Keep watch for anyone who appears to be struggling during hot fair days. Direct to air-conditioned building, sit them down and give warm water slowly. Do not leave them alone.

Tornado: Grab cash box & personal belongings and seek cover inside Cement Block Buildings. Find a low spot and lay flat on the ground/cover your head.

Severe Thunderstorm & Lightning: Listen for instructions via P/A or police vehicle P/A. Seek shelter in Cement Block Buildings.

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